
I’m Mike, the founder of The Consumer VC. The Consumer VC started as a podcast in October 2019 to learn about venture capital and early stage consumer startups.

From there, I started virtual summits and weekly networking events to bring the consumer startup ecosystem closer together

Why are you starting a newsletter?

I’m starting this newsletter as a way to dive a little deeper into each episode I release from this past week and share information relating to startups and venture capital I find interesting. This is going to be my area to share what I learn and my own viewpoints on innovation.

I also wasn’t a strong writer growing up and it’s something that I’ve been wanting to work on - so here we are! If there are articles you found interesting and would be relevant to this newsletter community, feel free to email me at mike@theconsumervc.com I’d be happy to feature.

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A podcast & newsletter about how to invest in consumer startups. You'll receive a new episode along with a fundraising roundup each week.


Founder of The Consumer VC